2024 Ballot Referendums
Section 4, Article II of the Constitution of this State, relating to voter qualifications, be amended so as to provide that only a citizen of the United States and of this State of the age of eighteen and upwards who is properly registered is entitled to vote as provided by law.
A YES vote supports amending the state constitution to add language that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in elections.
A NO vote opposes amending the state constitution to add language that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in elections, rather than every citizen.
This measure would prohibit local governments from allowing noncitizens to vote by providing in the state constitution that only a citizen of the U.S., rather than every citizen of the U.S., can vote. In 2024, eight state legislatures have referred constitutional amendments to the ballot to prohibit the state or local governments from allowing non-citizen voting.
The South Carolina Republicans argued that this change to the SC Constitution is needed to prevent noncitizens from casting ballots, which will reduce the risk of fraud and increase confidence in American democracy, even though there are no municipalities in SC that allow non-citizens to vote and there is no evidence of fraud or abuse by non-citizens in our electoral system. Those who oppose this amendment argue that this type of amendment churns up anti-immigration sentiment and unsupported fears of widespread fraud.
SOBDC is recommending a NO vote on the state referendum.
Beaufort County Referendums
The Beaufort County Council approved referendum questions to be placed upon the ballot which will ask the electorate to vote on a 1% sales tax increase beginning in the following year and to remain in effect for 10 years or until $950 million in funds are raised, whichever comes first. In the second referendum Beaufort County asks to issue bonds in anticipation of Sales Tax collections so that work may begin immediately.
The proceeds from this tax would fund a series of transportation and mobility projects and programs. If the Referendum is approved by Beaufort County voters, a Citizens Led Oversight Committee would be established, like that in use at the Beaufort County School District. This would be a volunteer group representing County municipalities as well as unincorporated Beaufort County, and will oversee the referendum projects, schedules, and expenditures. Our county sales tax will remain at 7% because this new sales tax will begin in 2025 after the current 1% Greenspace sales tax expires. As you know, sales taxes will be paid in part by non-residents allowing fair sharing between residents and visitors. Per South Carolina law, sales tax does not apply to fuel (separate tax), unprepared foods, and medical prescriptions.
QUESTION 1 I approve a special sales and use tax in the amount of one percent (1%) to be imposed in Beaufort County for not more than ten (10) years, or until a total of $950,000,000 in resulting revenue has been collected, whichever occurs first, to fund the following projects: Project (1) For financing the costs of highways, roads, streets, bridges, and other transportation-related projects facilities related thereto including, but not limited to, drainage facilities relating to the highways, roads, streets, bridges, and other transportation-related projects; and mass transit systems operated by Beaufort County or jointly operated by the County and other governmental entities $900,000,000. Project (2) For financing the costs of greenbelt initiatives $50,000,000. Instructions to Voters: All qualified electors desiring to vote in favor of levying the special sales and use tax shall vote "YES" and All qualified electors opposed to levying the special sales and use tax shall vote "NO."
QUESTION 2 I approve the issuance of not exceeding $515,000,000 of general obligation bonds of Beaufort County, maturing over a period not to exceed ten (10) years and payable from the special sales and use tax described in Question 1 above, to fund the completion of projects from among the categories described in Question 1 above. Instructions to Voters: All qualified electors desiring to vote in favor of levying the special sales and use tax shall vote "YES" and All qualified electors opposed to levying the special sales and use tax shall vote "NO."
SOBDC is recommending a YES vote on the county referendum questions.