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2018 Meetings
Fundraiser at the Club at Indigo Run with Local Candidates
Beaufort Delegation at SC Democratic Convention
Beaufort County Democratic Convention
Arriving for the meeting

Arriving for the meeting.

Darrah Hall

Darrah Hall

BC Convention crowd

BC Convention Crowd

Congressman Clyburn's representative_edited

Congressman Clyburn's representative

Joe Cunningham First Congressional Dist. candidate_edited

Joe Cunningham First Congressional Dist. Candidate

Toby Smith addressing the Delegates_edited

Tobly Smith First Congressional Dist. Candidate

Phil Nobel Gubernatorial Candidate_edited

Phil Nobel Gubernatorial Candidate

Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Smith's Spouse_edited_edited

Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Smith's Spouse

Marguerite Willis Gubernatorial Candidate_edited

Marguerite Willis Gubernatorial Candidate

Cathy McClellan County Council Delegate_edited

Cathy McClellan County Council Candidate

County Council Candidate_edited

County Council Candidate

Meeting the candidates_edited

Meeting the candidates

Serving up great food

Serving up great food.

Enjoying the Picnic

Enjoying the picnic.

February Luncheon - Phil Noble
Phil Noble & Bill Walker
Phil Noble 2
Phil Noble 1
2017 Meetings
2017 SC Democratic Party Convention
Mark Sanford Town Hall - March, 2017
Martin Luther King Day Walk - January, 2017
Refugee Support - November, 2016


2016 Campaign Headquarters 
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