GET PREPARED FOR THE 2020 ELECTIONS! This page provides the resources you need to be an educated voter and an active participant in the 2020 elections. This election is more critical than any previous election when Beaufort County voters elect a new President, Senator, Member of Congress, State House Representatives and multiple state, county, and town level positions. More Democrats are running in Beaufort County than ever before and the diversity of the Democratic slate of candidates is strong.
The Beaufort Country South of the Broad Club has organized all voting precincts under the leadership of Coordinators. These Coordinators are organized Democrats to promote the Democratic candidates during the election as well as get out the vote (GOTV) actions. They need your help. Please volunteer to work with the Precinct Coordinator in your area. (See Contact Information Below)
Check out the 2020 Democratic Candidates running for office and contact information for their campaigns on the webpage's candidate page.
Information on voting is presented here including registering to vote, where to vote on General Election Day and voting absentee - both in person and by mail.
The Election Calendar including deadlines for registration and absentee voting is below.
We are looking for volunteers to work on all aspects of the 2020 Campaign including 1) fundraising for the Democratic Club - South of the Broad; 2) assisting with GOTV efforts; 3) working with the Precinct Coordinators, and volunteering on individual campaigns. Any interested people should contact Club President Bill Walker, at wewalkeramp@prodigy.net .
Beaufort County Democratic Precinct Coordinators (Hilton Head/Bluffton)
Precinct Coordinators are leaders who are organizing from one to four precincts in the Hilton Head;/Bluffton area to promote the Democratic candidates and election activities in 2020. Each of the Coordinators is building teams. If you are interested in working on the 2018 elections in your immediate area, please contact your Coordinator. They will also be hosting activities in your area so be sure to ask to be on their mailing list.
To check what precinct you reside in - you can input your information into the database of the South Carolina Elections Commission, and all of your voting information will be shown including your Voting Precinct.
For accurate results, check your precinct using scvotes.org the buttons, but here are precinct maps to give you an idea of the geography.
Hilton Head Voting Precinct Map
Hilton Head Precinct Coordinators
Hilton Head 1A, 1B
Kathy Hatch
Hilton Head 2A, 2C
Frances Mallory
Hilton Head 2B, 3, 5B, 5C
Carole Walters
Hilton Head 4D
Robert Hand
Hilton Head 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A
Ezra Callahan
Hilton Head 6, 10
Claudia Kennedy
Hilton Head 7A
Deborah Boyd
Hilton Head 7B
Hilton Head 8, 9B
Catherine Sartorius
Hilton Head 9A
Hilton Head 11, 12
Lois Miller
Hilton Head 13, 14
Hilton Head 15A/15B
Chris deVries
Karen Opderbeck
Bluffton Precinct Coordinators
IBluffton 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D
Diana Radcliffe
Bluffton 2A
Lynn Newson
Bluffton 2C/2D
Paul Kretkowski
Bluffton 2B, 2E
Kathleen Hughes
Bluffton 3
Bluffton 4A
Karen Golden
Bluffton 4B, 4C, 4D
Fred Pitts
Bluffton 5A, 5B
Rose Hill
Dave Rice
Moss Creek
David Williams
Belfair, Chechessee 1, Chechessee 2
Carl Statham